Leading the way in freeze protection

Heat-Line Products

All Heat-Line systems feature Heat-Line self-regulating heating cable technology which can increase heat output with cold but more importantly, decrease heat output with warmth. Unlike outdated heat tape, Heat-Line electrical heating cables will never overheat, are long-lasting, easy to install and operate, safe to insulate and extremely energy efficient. Heat-Line self-regulating cables take away the uncertainty by ensuring that every system is meticulously tagged, tested, and factory certified to meet the rigorous standards for self-regulating cables by renowned North American regulatory agencies like CSA and NSF.


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Stay ahead of winter's challenges and prioritize safety by preparing for the colder months with Heat-Line Freeze Protection Systems. As temperatures drop, it's crucial for homeowners and property professionals to be equipped to handle potential issues caused by frozen pipes and roof ice dams. Heat-Line offers effective strategies and solutions to prevent roof ice dams and the risk of frozen and burst pipes. Specializing in offering a family of efficient self-regulating heating cable systems, Heat-Line is committed to solving the most challenging residential pipe and roof applications. Unlike outdated heat tape, Heat-Line heating cable systems will never overheat, are long-lasting, easy to install and operate, safe to insulate and extremely energy efficient.

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