Should You Allow Your Heating Cable and Pipe To Freeze? - Heat-Line Freeze Protection Systems
Should You Allow Your Heating Cable and Pipe To Freeze? - Heat-Line Freeze Protection Systems

Should You Allow Your Heating Cable and Pipe To Freeze?

Retro-Line is an advanced, self-regulating heating cable system that is used for safe and reliable in-pipe freeze protection. Heat-Line’s self-regulating heating cable technology renders all Heat-Line brand heating cable systems extremely energy efficient. When combined with control devices such as timers and thermostats no other heating cable system could be more energy efficient. Even with this in mind, Heat-Line is commonly questioned about the potential of unplugging our heating cable systems and allowing pipes to freeze when not required.

Listen to this month’s video blog and learn directly from a Heat-Line specialist about why when properly installed there is no need to consider unplugging your heating cable system and allowing the pipe to freeze.

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